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A light blue sky with  dark ocean waves and a golden yellow sunset.
FMS awareness day 2020 Chantal Alex Hild

Chantal K. Hoey-Sanders, M.A.
Fibromyalgia Author, Coach, & Patient Advocate

I Have
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but it Doesn't Have Me!: Six Steps for Reversing Your FMS/CFS
Welcome to my Website!


Fibromyalgia/Guaifenesin Protocol Awareness, Education, Inspiration, and HOPE



My story is your story, and I know there is HOPE! ...


You feel alone. Angry. Frustrated.


Your daily pain and fatigue are relentless, and you long for that "old life."


Your relationships are suffering.


You've tried "every treatment out there," and you're still sick.


The prospect of wellness is escaping you.

You want to hold on to HOPE, but it's fading fast.


I can relate. I've been there.  

Welcome to my website!


I’m Chantal K. Hoey-Sanders a fibromyalgia author & chronic fatigue survivor. Over the years, I  have been determined to never let my fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome define me, no matter how challenging that may be at times. 


I write and paint. Those are my hobbies and my therapy. Before I was an author, I was a high school Spanish teacher. Then, fibromyalgia hit me... hard...

Now, I write about living with and reaching beyond fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Because, it can be done! Although, nobody should do it alone. That's why I am here as a volunteer fibromyalgia coach and patient advocate. 


     It is possible to: 

          "Step out of your

                Fibromyalgia Story 


                 regain your life."   


 But, you have to want to get well, you must be ready to do some hard work, and realize you deserve to get better.   

In March 2011, I self-published my book, I Have Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but it Doesn’t Have Me!: Six Steps for Reversing FMS/CFS, A Memoir, available through, and all electronics devices.


My goal in sharing my fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome story with you, is to let you know that you are NOT alone and that you, too, can become a fibromyalgia SURVIVOR. 


HOPE is here, even when your world looks grim, and you feel completely isolated, misunderstood, and frustrated— beyond belief—little by little you can feel better.



     I am not a doctor or a medical professional. I am a patient. This web site is not intended to replace the advice and/or care of a medical doctor. 








© 2024 Chantal K. Hoey-Sanders. All rights reserved.

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