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I Have Fibromyalgia/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but it Doesn't Have Me!
That Fibro MOM: Pediatric Fibromyalgia is Real
According to the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), children need to have pain only in three sites on their body for a period greater than three moths, in addition to five (instead of eleven) out of eighteen predetermined tender points, and three of ten minor criteria such as fatigue, anxiety, poor sleeo, or IBS. Children do not usually have pain in as many areas as adults,.. and most do not have the full spectrum of symptoms. 
(Scroll over  each image and click to read more.)

Meet Alexander (Alex)

This is my son, Alex. He was six years old when he was diagnosed with Pediatric Fibromyalgia (Juvenile Primary Fibromyalgia Syndrome, JPFS) by R. Paul St. Amand, MD, in Marina del Rey, CA.

Alex always used to sit "rolled in a ball" because it hurt his body too much to extend his legs. He always had lots of pain behind his knees and "growing pains" as a younger child.


*Alex has been on the Guaifenesin Protocol for seven years now, and he is doing GREAT! He no longer sits like this, nor has pain behind his knees.


Read More about Alex and Pediatric Fibromyalgia

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