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  • Chantal Hoey-Sanders

That Fibro MOM: Look for the Helpers

"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping." — Mister Rogers

I must remind myself of this. Right now, in the moment. Take a step back, and a deep inhale. Push forward. Dig deep inside of myself and tap into the courage that I must muster for the months that await.

The time is now. To look for the helpers. Exude appreciation more than ever. Greet the change with thankfulness, and adopt a practice to ease into the transition. Because there is no easy way.

Spread too thin, between potty training and "big girl" bed, Depends undergarments and taking the keys, this "sandwich generation," tumbles you into two unknown worlds of parenting simultaneously.

Inevitably, when you do this, while living with a chronic invisible pain condition, such as fibromyalgia, the acid burns your throat and erodes your body. But you must not let it.

This is when you must look for the helpers. Remind yourself that they are there.

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